You can easily add top bar with contact information, social networks icons or a currency switcher (in the e-shop) or a website language switcher (flags).

In our Webnode Free News i was talking about 5 new features of the NEW Premium Business Package and 6 best WEBNODE templates for web design. You can read it later.

Webnode adds new features very oftenly, and Webnode editor is developing very quickly.

Let’s take a look at how Webnode surprised its users this month.

Webnode users can now add a top bar (additional header bar) very easily


It’s awesome, isn’t it?

Top bar, which can be turned on with one click, contains several settings.

Entrepreneurs who need to have a phone number or email visible on the web will certainly appreciate this new feature.

Influencers ,in turn, enjoy a great function for adding social networks icons directly into TOPbar.

It is also possible to change the background of the top bar without any problems and adapt everything to your brand.

And what will you be able to set in the top bar?


  • E-mail
  • Phone no
  • Short text e.g. opening hours (max. 40 characters)
  • Social networks icons
  • Language switcher (flags)
  • Currency switcher (for e-shop)
top bar adding into webnode tutorial

Tutorial: How to easily turn on top bar on your Webnode website?

1. Sign in to Webnode and go to website editing.

Click on the gear wheel in the top bar of the MENU and select the “Advanced settings” option.

top bar adding into webnode tutorial

2. Select the “Additional panel settings” option

top bar adding into webnode tutorial

3. Use the switch to turn on which functions you want to have in the top bar.

top bar adding into webnode tutorial

4. Done, now just click on the top bar and fill in your details.

top bar adding into webnode tutorial
top bar adding into webnode tutorial

A few words in conclusion

Adding a top bar is very easy.  Anyone can manage it without any problems.


I hope you enjoy the new TOP BAR function. Dont forget to use its potential for one hundred percent!


Do you like the new top bar feature?

Write me your opinion in the comments below.


And for those who don’t like this feature for some reason and want something different in the top bar – don’t hesitate to contact me, we can disquss it.

I keep my fingers crossed for everyone in the online business.


Have a lot of fun with the Webnode editor.

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