PoradnaCategory: OtázkyHow to create 301 redirects on webode?
Monika Kocsi asked 4 roky ago

Hello, I'm migrating my webnode webshop (ezremek.hu) from the old editor/template to the new template.

With the migration, the product links will change like: domain/products/myproduct1/ to domain/p/myproduct1.

I want to migrate the domain to the newly built page soon. How can I make sure, that google redirects search results for my products to the new page with the new link?

Where should I insert the 301 redirections?

The products will be the same, and I've also kept the same name for each product in the new site.

Thank you for your answer!

1 Answers
Viliam answered 4 roky ago
Hi Monika,

Thanks for stopping by.

I happy to hear you are migrating your website to new WEBNODE.
Unfortunately Webnode do not have 301 redirection settings in SEO settings. There is no way how to set up redirection 301 in Webnode.


1. You can migrate your domain from Webnode to another registrar and then manage 301 redirections from old products "domain/products/myproduct1" to new "domain/p/myproduct1"

2. You can just ask Google to reindex website (via google search console) and Google will automatically index new pages.
This is not so good solution and if you will do it this way, please do not forget to design your 404 page.

I wish u all the best